We received and installed the electrified poultry netting over the weekend, and now the birds are finally back outside. Yay! It's not exactly "free-range" anymore, but their new range is big enough to at least let them have some freedom to roam, scratch and do other chicken-y things.

One fun side effect of the chickens' relative captivity is that the goats can now share space with the birds. Birds hang out in the goat yard and goats can wander and browse through the chicken "paddock". It took a few zaps for the goats to learn to respect the fence (what the kids attest feels like a "playground shock"), but now Moose and Lily happily co-mingle with the poultry gang. Of course, Moose promptly scooted through the chicken door in the coop and started munching on chicken feed, so now we have to make sure that's closed before any mingling can occur. ;-)